International Francophone Institute

The extraordinary Opening Ceremony of the New Academic year 2020-2021

On March 26, 2021, at the 3rd floor hall, G6 building, VNU, IFI held the opening ceremony of the 2020-2021 school year and awarded master's degrees to graduates.

 This is the particularly important event to mark a year of IFI's successful operation and is also the first year the opening ceremony was held in the form of direct and online coordination with the participation of academic education partners and embassies, international organizations and partners, students in domestic and foreign.

The opening Ceremony of the New Academic year 2020-2021
The Opening Ceremony of the New Academic year 2020-2021

Attending the ceremony, from international organizations, there were: Mr. Chay Navuth, Ambassador of the Royal Embassy of in Cambodia Vietnam; Ms. Irmina Perojo Bellido De Luna, Counselor, Embassy of Cuba in Vietnam; Mr. Mohamed Bahjat Abdallah, First Secretary, Embassy of the State of Palestine; Ms. Aygun Samadova, Counselor of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Vietnam; Mr. Ryom Myong Nam, Counselor of the Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Vietnam; Mr. Chu To-Ming, Head of Education and Science, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Vietnam; Ms. Lê Tuyết Nhung, Representative of the Wallonie-Bruxelles Delegation (Belgium) to Vietnam.

The academic education partners who have attended online are: Mr. Jean-Marc Ogier, President of La Rochelle University; Ms. Anne GIROIR FENDLER, Vice Director of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University and its leadership representative; Mr. Xavier Leroux, Director of University of Toulon; Mr. Elian Pilvin, Director of EM Normandie Business school and Professor Paul Griffiths, Program Director Fintech from Oxford, UK; Mr. Mai Nam Thắng, Project Director of Vietnam.

From VNU, the ceremony was attended by: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phạm Bảo Sơn, Vice President of VNU; and the participation of representatives of universities and research institutes in VNU.

On the IFI side, there were Mr. Ngô Tự Lập, President of Scientific and Academic Council, Director, and Mr. Hồ Tường Vinh, Vice President of Scientific and Academic Council.

The delegates attending the Opening Ceremony 2020-2021
The delegates attending the Opening Ceremony 2020-2021
The opening Ceremony of the New Academic year 2020-2021
The Opening Ceremony of the New Academic year 2020-2021

There is also direct and online participation of strategic partners, media organizations, domestic and foreign faculty, more than 200 students and alumni of master's programs from more than 20 countries. In particular, the ceremony also has the participation of new students of the 1st Corhort of the Master in Banking, Finance and Financial Technology (Fintech) program.

The new Students of the 1st Cohort - Master in Banking, Finance and Fintech (the program is coperated between IFI and EM Normandy, France)
The new Students of the 1st Cohort - Master in Banking, Finance and Fintech (the program is coperated between IFI and EM Normandy, France)

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pham Bao Son, Vice President of VNU congratulated IFI on the occasion of the 26th opening ceremony, an event marking a new development step of the Institute. Facing difficulties caused by the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, VNU leaders highly appreciated IFI's initiatives and efforts in helping students to complete the Master program. He emphasized that IFI had a suitable long-term strategy and a modern and dynamic model for the Institute to develop rapidly and sustainably. In addition to the success of the Master and short-term programs, IFI has also made great strides in research, start-up and technology transfer with a wide variety of high quality products. In particular, in the past 2020, the 2nd Franconomics organized by IFI in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French International Organization (OIF) has made a great reputation in the Francophonie Community.

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pham Bao Son, Vice President of VNU
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pham Bao Son, Vice President of VNU

Dr. Ngo Tu Lap, President of the Scientific and Academic Council, Director sent greetings to all new IFI students in the academic year 2020-2021: On behalf of IFI’s Board of Directors, I’d like to congratulate the students who have successfully completed their programs despite all the huge difficulties caused by the pandemics. I’d like to welcome and extend my felicitation to the new students. From today on you are members of IFI’s intellectual community, a wonderful community of young men and women who come from many countries, the talented and ambitious people, who believe strongly in the power and value of knowledge, friendship, and cultural diversity.”

Dr. Ngo Tu Lap, President of the Scientific Council, Director
Dr. Ngo Tu Lap, President of the Scientific and Academic Council, Director

The academic education partners who have attended online are: Mr. Jean-Marc Ogier, President of La Rochelle University; Ms. Anne GIROIR FENDLER, Vice Director of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University and its leadership representative; Mr. Xavier Leroux, Director of University of Toulon; Mr. Elian Pilvin, Director of EM Normandie Business school and Professor Paul Griffiths, Program Director Fintech from Oxford, UK; Mr. Mai Nam Thắng, Project Director of Vietnam.

Mr. Xavier Leroux, Director of University of Toulon
Mr. Xavier Leroux, Director of University of Toulon
 Ms. Anne GIROIR FENDLER, Vice Director of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University
Ms. Anne GIROIR FENDLER, Vice Director of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University
Mr. Jean-Marc Ogier, President of La Rochelle University
Mr. Jean-Marc Ogier, President of La Rochelle University
Mr. Elian Pilvin, Director of EM Normandie Business school
Mr. Elian Pilvin, Director of EM Normandie Business school

Also at the ceremony, IFI awarded diplomas of Master's programs to representatives of graduates of P23 - Information Technology and P1 - Information and Communication. Most of the graduates are currently continuing their PhD studies, or working in companies and laboratories in many different countries around the world.

IFI awarded diplomas of Master's programs
IFI awarded diplomas of Master's programs

Also at the ceremony, representatives of IFI students shared valuable experiences to help them integrate and study in Vietnam. These shares are very meaningful and inspiring for current and new IFI students in the 2020-2021 school year.

Mamba Denis from Congo, students of P23 – Master in IT
Mamba Denis from Congo, students of P23 – Master in IT
Dekpe Afi Elolo Gisèle from Togo, Master's program in Data Communication and Computer Networking, currently internship at Smart-Chain Company in Paris, France, connected from Paris
Dekpe Afi Elolo Gisèle from Togo, Master's program in Data Communication and Computer Networking, currently internship at Smart-Chain Company in Paris, France, connected from Paris
Mallé Adama, a student in the Master of Digital Communication program, is currently working at SAFETYN in Toulouse, connected from Toulouse
Mallé Adama, a student in the Master of Digital Communication program, is currently working at SAFETYN in Toulouse, connected from Toulouse
Noel Mamba Davy, Master of Digital Communication and Publishing program with self-composed poem 'Knowledge aspiration'
Noel Mamba Davy, Master of Digital Communication and Publishing program with self-composed poem "Knowledge aspiration"

One of the successful highlights of the year 2020-2021 is that IFI successfully enrolled the first cohort Master of Banking, Finance and Financial Technology (Fintech) affiliated with EM Normandy University (France). This is the first Fintech Master program in Vietnam and the second in Southeast Asia.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh, representative of Fintech Master’s program, who is currently the Director of Capacity Development and Productivity Improvement of a major bank in Vietnam, thanked VNU, IFI and EM Normandie for giving students the opportunity to access new and updated knowledge in the field of Fintech in Vietnam within the framework of a standard European master's program.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh, representative of Fintech Master’s program, who is currently the Director of Capacity Development and Productivity Improvement of a major bank in Vietnam
Ms. Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh, representative of Fintech Master’s program, who is currently the Director of Capacity Development and Productivity Improvement of a major bank in Vietnam

The opening ceremony ended with a warm exchange party, in an atmosphere of joy and excitement to welcome the new school year with many development plans of all IFI staff and students.




Author: Viện Quốc tế Pháp ngữ