International Francophone Institute

Book Launch Event "Entrepreneurship META" by author Pierre Bonnet and translator Ngô Tự Lập

On January 26, in Hanoi, the book launch event for "Entrepreneurship META" by author Pierre Bonnet, translated by Ngô Tự Lập, was organized by the Institute for Cultural, Language, and Educational Development (CLEF). The book shares the journey of author Bonnet from a challenging childhood to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Ngô Tự Lập, former Director of the International Francophone Institute (IFI) and Chairman of the Scientific Council and Training at the IFI, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, translated the book into Vietnamese.
Book Launch Event 'Entrepreneurship META' by author Pierre Bonnet and translator Ngô Tự Lập
Book Launch Event "Entrepreneurship META" by author Pierre Bonnet and translator Ngô Tự Lập

The event featured representatives from ministries, departments, universities, research institutes, businesses, and media agencies. CLEF was represented by Ms. Ngô Minh Thủy, the Institute's director. IFI was represented by Mr. Phùng Danh Thắng, Head of Department; Mr. Ngô Tự Lập, former Director of IFI and Chairman of the Scientific Council and Training at IFI.

Opening the book launch event, Ms. Ngô Minh Thủy, CLEF Director, stated that the launch is part of the institute's activities supporting entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer. She highly praised the content of Pierre Bonnet's book, hoping it will be a valuable resource, inspiring young people and helping them understand their strengths and weaknesses, as well as preparing essential tools before starting their entrepreneurial journey.

Ms. Ngô Minh Thủy, Director of CLEF, delivered a speech at the ceremony.
Ms. Ngô Minh Thủy, Director of CLEF, delivered a speech at the ceremony

In the introduction of "Entrepreneurship META," author Pierre Bonnet expressed gratitude to CLEF and translator Ngô Tự Lập for their contributions to the success of this publishing project. Bonnet then explained the significance of the term "META," which is an acronym for the four main chapters of the book, forming a framework to accumulate knowledge in various fields, including entrepreneurship. Specifically, M stands for "Motion" - Passion (ADN) and the reason for entrepreneurship; E stands for "Engagement" - actions that cannot be ignored to avoid failure in entrepreneurship; T stands for "Treasury" - financial management rules for entrepreneurial projects; A stands for "Assurance" - a collection of principles to protect businesses at the legal and organizational levels. The French author hoped to provide readers with accumulated knowledge and suggestions for success in the entrepreneurial journey. Additionally, Pierre Bonnet also hoped that investors and incubators would find interesting ideas in the book to enhance their effectiveness in relationships with startup projects.

Author Pierre Bonnet introduced the book 'Entrepreneurship META'
Author Pierre Bonnet introduced the book "Entrepreneurship META"

Following the program, translator Ngô Tự Lập spoke about the process of translating "Entrepreneurship META" into Vietnamese. He emphasized that translation is not only about translating words or meanings but also about capturing the "soul" of the work. For instance, unlike other entrepreneurship books that are often memoirs or academic textbooks far from reality, "Entrepreneurship META" offers experiences and guidance based on both theory and practical experience. Each chapter includes notes and practical advice, allowing readers to learn and apply immediately. Ngô Tự Lập also hoped that the Vietnamese translation would closely reflect the spirit of the original work, providing inspiration and useful knowledge for readers who are starting or have started their entrepreneurial projects.

Translator Ngô Tự Lập shared about the process of translating the book 'Entrepreneurship META' into Vietnamese
Translator Ngô Tự Lập shared about the process of translating the book "Entrepreneurship META" into Vietnamese

The event concluded with sharing thoughts from the audience about "Entrepreneurship META." Mr. Phạm Hồng Quất, Director of the Market Development and Enterprise Development Department, Ministry of Science and Technology, and Dr. Lê Quang Huy, Doctor of Chemical Technology, shared their agreement that the book offered a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship with valuable advice drawn from the author's life, making it an important study material to read before embarking on entrepreneurship.

Mr. Phạm Hồng Quất, Director of the Market Development and Enterprise Development Department, Ministry of Science and Technology, shared his thoughts on the book.
Mr. Phạm Hồng Quất, Director of the Market Development and Enterprise Development Department, Ministry of Science and Technology, shared his thoughts on the book
Dr. Lê Quang Huy, Doctor of Chemical Technology, shared his thoughts on the book.
Dr. Lê Quang Huy, Doctor of Chemical Technology, shared his thoughts on the book

Director of IFI Phùng Danh Thắng checking the book with author Pierre Bonnet
Director of IFI Phùng Danh Thắng checking the book with author Pierre Bonnet

Author Pierre Bonnet signed and gifted books to the readers.
Author Pierre Bonnet signed and gifted books to the readers

Pierre Bonnet, a renowned French entrepreneur and a close friend of Vietnam, overcame a challenging childhood to become a successful IT engineer and later an entrepreneurial figure. In the 2010s, Orchestra Networks, a company he co-founded, became a leading global company in the field of big data processing. Orchestra Networks has branches in Vietnam, leading to Pierre Bonnet's collaboration with Ngô Tự Lập when he was the Director of IFI. After transferring the company, Bonnet became an angel investor and a startup and technology consultant. He is the main investor in the Vietnamese company Drinkizz, the first organic energy drink manufacturer globally.

As a successful entrepreneur from humble beginnings, Pierre Bonnet continually reflects on life's purpose and humanity's significant issues. This is evident in "Entrepreneurship META."


Author: Dịch: Hạnh Nguyên - IFI-COM