Call for Papers: International Forum Franconomics 2019
- FRIday - 11/10/2019 10:56
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This Forum is a multidisciplinary dialogue on the application of digital technologies as well as on the future of technology for scientists, businesses, investors and policy makers both inside and outside of Francophone Community with 88 members. (For more details: here)
Digital technology is a strategic tool for improving business productivity and promoting socio-economic development. Millions of people benefit from innovative services provided by ELSA (education), Airbnb (hospitality), TESLA (technology), Facebook (communication).
Main topics:
- New communication technologies;
- Digital security, related policies and legal challenges, the legal framework for the sustainable development of digital technology;
- New business models, changes in the production and business environment, especially in agriculture, tourism, industry, administrative management;
- Application of IoT ecosystems in life;
- Personal privacy and privacy policies;
- Technological innovation to improve quality of our life;
- Technology development and application in the emerging markets;
- Future Trends of Information Technology.
Franconomics 2019 is a great opportunity for connecting, expanding and promoting the cooperation between business – university – goverment. It takes advantage of science and technology in University and Business to develop smart socio-economics ideas in this digital era.
We are very pleased to welcome you to Franconomics 2019.
The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite experts from different technological, economic and social domains to submit their works. The contributions will be edited and selected for publication in the International Conference Act with ISBN and published by the Publishing House of VNU.
Official Languages : English, French or Vietnamese
Organiser: International Francophone Institute (IFI) – National University of Vietnam, Hanoi (VNU)
Scientific Comittee:
1. Mr. Đoàn Văn Hòa, Director of the Department for Culture, Sports and Tourism of Hưng Yên Province
2. PhD Hồ Tường Vinh, Deputy Director of IFI
3. Assoc. Prof. PhD Lê Phước Minh, Director of Institute of African and Middle East Studies. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
4. PhD Ngô Tự Lập, Director of IFI
5. PhD Nguyễn Duy Tài, Manage of NET Lab – IFI
6. Mr. Nguyễn Trung Kiên, Director General of Department for the Middle East – Africa, Minister of Foreign Affairs
7. PhD Nguyễn Văn Hiển, Director of FinTech Lab – IFI
8. Prof. Michel Mouyssinat, Former Director of IFI
9. Prof. Ouidad Tebbaa, Regional Director Asia Pacific, AUF
10. Assoc. Prof. PhD Trần Đình Thiên, Former Director of Vietnam Economic Institute
11. Assoc. Prof. PhD Vũ Văn Tích, Director of Department for Science-Technology, VNU
Proposal submission: October 01st, 2019
Full text submission: October 15th, 2019
Submission Guidelines:
- Proposal (subject, 3-5 keywords): less than 500 words.
- Full text (summary and keywords in English or French): less than 5000 words.
- Recipient:, cc to
- The full text is drafted in the form of .doc, with the author’s name, phone number and institution name.